Payroll is a list of employees that are paid by the company. Payroll is the total amount the employers pay to the employees. A payroll function involves the development of an organization’s pay policy that includes flexible benefits, and a leave encashment policy.
Payroll management also includes payslip components like basic, variable pay, HRA, and LTA. and also gathering other payroll inputs like the organization’s food vendor supply, etc.
Payroll and HR management also involve releasing the employees’ salary, depositing the dues like TDS, PF, etc with appropriate authorities, and filing returns.
Put together Payroll processing includes the calculation of the Net Pay after the tax adjustments and other deductions.
The first step is wherein the policies of the bank during the payroll processes need to be established. These policies need to be approved by the management to turn these policies into standards. Policies like the Pay policy, Attendance policy, leave and benefits policy, and more.
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